
Storm Season Refresher: 5 Keys to Communication

Storm Season Refresher: 5 Keys to Communication

Good communication is essential to every aspect of your company, including storm preparation. As the Sunshine State continues through the middle stretch of hurricane season, executives can benefit from a refresher on how to communicate smoothly and effectively in the event of a storm.

Just read on as we share a few key tips for companies in the Greater Daytona Region and throughout the state.

Communicating with your local team

The needs of each unique industry may vary, but there are a few universal ways to ensure smooth communication—so that your local team is prepared for whatever the weather may bring.

  • Keep up-to-date contact info: Even before you receive word of a potential storm, your company should work to collect up-to-date contact information for employees. In the event of unexpected weather, you will know exactly how to reach out to vital team members without scrambling for their details. (Because storms can affect traditional phone service, it can help to have an alternative form of communication—for example, a WiFi-enabled intraorganizational messaging system or company email.)
  • Convey key messages between local and national teams: Strive for smooth communication between local and national teams so that potentially storm-impacted areas are able to get across their needs and have their questions answered.
  • Check in on employees: 之前, during and after a storm, checking in on employees (who may or may not be at work) is a helpful way to signal that your communication channels are open and that you are ready to help with whatever your team may need.

Communicating with customers, clients and the public

In addition to safeguarding your business, you can use these communication tips to keep your audience assured and informed throughout the storm.

  • 分享 helpful information: While companies cannot replace the role of official agencies and local news outlets in preparing the public for a storm, they can certainly help in the preparation effort. For example, companies may choose to share helpful links to storm resources via social media channels or share local advisories.
  • Answer your customers’ practical questions (even before they are asked): Because communication can sometimes be interrupted during a storm, it can be helpful to answer and address customers’ potential practical questions before they are asked. This may include, for example, sharing information about upcoming closings, specialized hours, or alternative numbers customers can call with questions.

We hope that these tips help local companies finish hurricane season with confidence and peace of mind. These summer storms may be unpredictable, but by staying up-to-date with local advisories and maintaining good communication throughout every level of your company, your team will be equipped to handle it all.

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